Saturday, April 21

Weekend Links

New research from the Pew Research Center shows that young women now surpass young men in saying that achieving success in a high-paying career is important. But despite this focus on their career, for both women and men being a good parent and partner is more important than career success. Women and men are more likely to place parenting at the top of their priorities than they were in 1997. Read the full report here.

Despite some hand-wringing from conservatives over the fact that women care about their careers, Jill from Feministe has a great post in The Guardian about how this shift is actually good for families.

I'm a sex positive feminist, and an advocate for sex workers' rights. But Audacia Ray, a sex positive feminist and former sex worker herself, has an excellent essay on why sex positive feminists unintentionally create barriers for the achievement of sex workers’ rights. A must read!

Jill from Feministe also has a great post on the controversy over Hilary Rosen's comments.  She writes:
“Motherhood is the most important job in the world” is basically a rhetorical trick to romanticize motherhood so that we don’t have to see it as real work. We put motherhood on a pedestal so that we don’t actually have to discuss the reality of it.
Free female labor props up our economy and saves us all tax money. I’m not just talking about stay-at-home moms; I’m also talking about the labor that working moms do when they leave their paid job at the end of the day.

Shannon from The Radical Housewife writes one of my favorite responses to the recent "Mommy Wars" by reminding us that they're class wars and arguing that capitalism depends on women's unpaid work.

                                                                                 Source: via Shannon on Pinterest
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