Sunday, April 29

Weekend Links

It has been really fun to read all the thoughtful responses for The Last Name Project. To take a look at all of them (including the ones posted on Danielle's blog) go here.

As part of Balancing Jane's series on identities in balance, Jennifer writes a touching piece about lipsticks and daughters. (P.S. Read my post for the series, about being Catholic and feminist, here).

Balancing Jane and Sociological Images cover Kraft's new, highly offensive ad campaign about mixed race milk bites. Read their analyses, sign the petition, and boycott Kraft until they revoke the ads.

This weekend, Code Pink, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Reprieve hosted the International Drone Summit in Washington, DC. Read about it here and here. Or follow along on twitter by searching for #DroneSummit.

A Catholic school fired a woman for undergoing in vitro fertilization. Even when they're trying to get pregnant, women just can't win!

The Vatican is upset that Catholic nuns are awesome and actually spend time helping the poor and oppressed instead of talking about how sinful gay people are and trying to control the uterus of every woman on the planet.

If you're like me and one of the rare few that hasn't read The Hunger Games yet, Feministe is starting a Hunger Games book club. Read along with me! And may the odds (of finding time to read yet another book trilogy) be ever in your favor.

Lately, I've spent too much time on Pinterest daydreaming about how to decorate my new apartment in Atlanta. Here are some tips on how to avoid getting overwhelmed or feel bad about yourself because realistically you are not going to be able to sew your own throw pillows.

My friend K over at The Gracious Gaze did a fun series about spring cleaning your way to a simple closet.  She did this with me in person last year, and has some great tips!

BREAKING NEWS: Science proves Wellesley friends are the best kinds of friends. Exhibit A: my friend M drove down from Boston just to eat falafel with me because on Friday I told her I missed her.


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