Tuesday, March 20

I'm Moving to Atlanta!

St. Patrick's Day date at the MET.

Because B is a biblical studies rock star, he has been accepted into an amazing PhD program at Emory. Congratulations, B! 

This means, however, that this summer, we will be leaving our beloved New Haven for the south. And while I'm sad to leave New England, I am super excited about moving to Atlanta! I'm already in full gear looking at jobs and searching for a cute little place we can call home.  I also have a seemingly endless list of things I want to do in New England before we leave.

I actually grew up near Atlanta, so I'm kind of excited about returning to the south after my torrid love affair with New England. There are so many new adventures to be had!

P.S. If you live in Atlanta, you should shoot me an email and say hello!
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