Friday, September 16

J.C. Penney and Forever 21 Think You're Stupid

If you're a girl, that is.

Because girls suck at math! Getting an F is fabulous! And if you're pretty - stay away from serious things and let the boys do it. Or you'll never get a boyfriend because boys only care about your looks and don't want to feel threatened by any thinking that you do (the shirt doesn't say that, but isn't that kind of part of the message?)

Like the post-it says, don't buy these shirts. Smart girls are cool. 

P.S. I know this is old news for those of you that follow the feminist blogosphere. Due to the uproar, JC Penney has pulled the shirt and apologized. I think Forever 21 has done something similar. Which just goes to show - if you don't like something, say something.

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