Wednesday, September 14

Could you - would you - save a life?

My boyfriend, B, is a big fan of Peter Singer. And tonight he showed me this video, which basically summarizes the message of Singer's most recent book, The Life You Can Save.

I found it really moving. Especially because lately, now that I have a real job! and an income! (barely) I've spent some time thinking about how I want to spend my money and where I want my money to go. It is oh so tempting to arrange my budget so that the almost-biggest expense is shopping, and even more tempting to ignore the budget completely and buy the entire J.Crew Fall Collection. But in addition to being fiscally irresponsible, it just doesn't seem ethical.

This is why I like the Singer video, and the message of his campaign in general. Because if I saw a little girl drowning I wouldn't think twice about ruining my shoes. But when I know my money can go to good use, can help end poverty, can help fight disease and hunger, it is hard to direct it there instead of clicking "Add To Shopping Bag" or handing over my credit card at the sight of nude heels. And in a way, the situations are the same. It really is the girl or the shoes. To save a life or shop. The video says that you can save a life and "even keep your favorite shoes." But it isn't entirely true. Because sometimes saving a life means not buying another pair of shoes.

This isn't to say that you can never go shopping, or that you should feel guilty about buying anything at all ever again. I, for one, am obsessed with fall and will still indulge in a few new work appropriate fall items (who knew they wouldn't let me wear leggings and yoga pants to work everyday?!) It does mean, however, that I should think about how much money I spend on luxuries, and recognize that even though I think I need new clothes, they really are luxuries. There is a balance between enjoying fashion as a form of art, beauty, and self-expression and giving back to your community and the world (your community at-large). But if I've bought a few new dresses, and then don't have "enough money" to donate anything, there is a problem with my priorities.

P.S. My friend Kim - hi Kim! - writes about shopping, doing your part to make the world a better place, and developing a "simple closet" here.
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