Monday, October 3

What I Missed!

Sorry for the lack of post on Friday! I was at a conference all day in Hartford and had no time to write a post. I almost wrote a make-up one this weekend, but I was busy doing really important things like eating pizza and watching Bridesmaids in bed.

In case you missed it, my post on why I didn't celebrate the repeal of DADT was reposted on my favorite website ever, You can read it here.

This weekend was a busy one for NYC- the Occupy Wall Street protests continue and Saturday was SlutWalk NYC. While Slutwalk was a tremendous success (my favorite signs said 'My clothes aren't my consent' and 'How to Prevent Rape: 1. Don't Rape 2. See Above'), the Occupy Wall Street protest didn't end quite so well. The NYTimes reports that approximately 700 people were arrested, including a NYTimes reporter, as the protestors attempted to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. You can read famed guest-poster Daphne's account of the arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge here. I wasn't there, but the footage I've seen appears to show the police allowing or guiding the protestors across the bridge, then blocking them and randomly arresting people. I can't remember where I saw it so I can't link, but I saw pictures of police arresting what appeared to be a 12 or 13 year old girl.

In other Occupy Wall Street news, some Marines and military are supposedly planning to head to NYC to protect the protestors from NYPD. One awesome Marine (who knew I'd ever describe a Marine that way?!) says he is going to join the protest because he "didn't fight for Wall Street. He fought for America. Now it's Congress' turn." You can read more here. I kinda really hope this happens and we see lots of military down there! (again, who ever thought I'd say I hope to see lots of military anywhere). I wonder what the Tea Party and the GOP will say about the protests if their "brave boys in uniform" join the movement.

Finally, in case you need some comic relief, read Mindy Kaling's hilarious account of women who exist only in romantic comedies.
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