Wednesday, July 11

How to Survive Global Warming: What to Eat When It Feels Like the Earth Is Melting (And Parts Of It Really Are)

This summer, I feel like global warming has made its big debut. It is like it finally decided it refused to be ignored by those individuals who persist in saying it doesn't exist (even though the last six months have been the hottest on record). Here in Atlanta, we've had at least a solid week of 100+ degree temperatures, including a lovely weekend where it was 106 degrees one day and then "cooled off" to a breezy 103. I know many of you have faced similar heat waves the past few weeks too.

Luckily, we have air conditioning. But even with the air conditioning, when it gets this hot, I refuse to turn on my oven. It heats up our whole house and just feels gross. So with a few more months of summer ahead of us, I thought I'd share some favorite meals that require little or no heat!

First, if you haven't already tried the quinoa, chickpea, avocado, lime-y goodness that is this salad, you should try it asap. But here are some new recipes too:

Curry Chickpea Salad
Back when I ate meat, curry chicken salad sandwiches were one of my favorite things. I was pining for them the other day, when I decided to try subbing the chicken with chickpeas. The result? Delicious! You can make these two ways, with either a hummus or a mayo/sour cream base, to make it vegan if you so choose.

1 can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 ribs of celery, thinly sliced
3/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup mayo

1/2 cup sour cream (or sub 3/4-1 cup hummus for mayo and sour cream)

2 tblsp. curry powder

1 tsp. salt
ground pepper to taste

1. In a bowl, combine your chickpeas, celery, and raisins.
2. In a separate bowl, combine mayo, sour cream, curry powder, and salt and pepper.
3. Add the mayo/sour cream mix to the chickpeas and mix until chickpeas are coated. 
4. Adjust spices to taste preference.
5. Chill in fridge for 15 minutes.
6. Serve on whole wheat bread for a delicious lunch or dinner! 

Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella Sandwich
I probably shouldn't include this is a recipe because it is so simple and I doubt any of you need my help in order to make one. But it is such a favorite around here, especially with our new basil plant, that I couldn't resist! There is nothing like basil in the summertime.

1 tomato, sliced
Mozzarella cheese, sliced
Fresh basil
Sliced onion (optional)
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Balsamic Vinegar (optional)
Whole Wheat Bread/Baguette/Focaccia Bread

1. Slice up all of your ingredients.
2. Layer the mozzarella, tomato, and basil (and onions, if you're using them) on your bread.
3. Drizzle with olive oil and, if you'd like, with balsamic.
4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
5. Eat.

Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella, Quinoa Salad
A delicious variation on the sandwich.

For the salad
1 1/2 cup prepared quinoa
2  tomatoes, chopped into bite-size pieces
1 onion, diced
1 cup spinach, rinsed
handful of fresh basil, chopped
2 tblsp. pesto
1/4-1/2 lb. mozzarella, cut into small cubes (you can also buy the round balls)

For the dressing (adapted from here)
3 tblsp. balsamic vinegar
1tblsp. olive oil
3 cloves garlic, diced
1 tsp. lemon juice
 salt and pepper

1. Prepare your quinoa. 
2. In a small bowl, whisk the dressing ingredients together and set aside.
3. Cut up your tomatoes, onion, basil, and mozzarella.
4. Throw your tomatoes, onion, basil, and mozzarella in with the quinoa. 
5. Put the pesto in with the quinoa mix and mix until combined. 
5. Pour the dressing in and mix until combined.
6. Add more salt, pepper, pesto, basil, etc. to taste.
7. Chill for 15 minutes or until ready to serve. 
8. Drizzle with extra lemon juice and balsamic for extra flavor and a pretty presentation.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of photos. I'm a terrible food blogger, my instagram isn't working (and my world is crushed), and my iphone is dead so I can't email myself any of the few photos I did take. I'll update with photos soon!
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