Wednesday, December 7

Grad School Barbie

I'm not in grad school anymore, but Grad School Barbie is hilarious.

Although, if I were in charge of  designing Grad School Barbie I would also include the following accessories:

- College sweatshirt, black leggings, Uggs, and a Longchamp Bag. The official uniform of the female grad student!
- A coffee thermos
- Stacks and stacks of books and huge piles of printed articles that are impossible to organize
- At least a dozen highlighters
- Panels for the stomach, thighs, and butt that show the inevitable weight gain that comes when you live on a diet of coffee, Pirate's Booty, bagels, peanut butter and jelly, and whiskey sours and realize you're not going to get up from your desk, let alone go to the gym, for the next few years

Grad School Barbie would come pre-styled with her dirty hair piled on top of her head in what I like to call a "doodle."

Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Barbie would come pre-programmed with the phrases:

- "Gender is a social construct!"
- "I'm offended!"
- "That is highly problematic."
- "Intersectionality!"
- "According to Foucault's History of Sexuality vol. 3...."
- "Heteronormativity!"

Good luck with finals and PhD applications everyone!
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