Judging from my twitter and facebook feed, anyone reading this probably watched the presidential debate last night. But, let me just say, GO OBAMA! And also, wtf Romney?!
There was no trace of Obama's sleepy, almost defeated attitude that was the hallmark of the last debate. He seemed confident, appropriately aggressive, and relaxed. Romney, on the other hand, seemed so aggressive that at one point I feared they might break into a fist fight. And when he wasn't being aggressive (or interrupting the moderator and refusing to obey the rules) he had that silly Cheshire cat grin on his face. He has also developed this fun little strategy where he never really answers a question and instead endlessly recounts his 5 point plan.
To me, there were five key moments in the debate that stood out.
1. Obama's response to Libya.
Romney seemed cheap.
2. Romney's plan for equality in the workplace.
Romney's plan for equality in the workplace basically goes like this: he will make so many jobs with his magical economy that companies will actually be forced to hire women. He also thinks that women should have more flexible schedules, because he knew a woman once who had to go home at 5 every day to make dinner for her kids. Equality means getting to leave earlier than the men so you can make dinner!
Also, when trying to convince voters that he respects and advocates for women, he told a fantastic story about how he had women's groups go find qualified women (they're like unicorns!) and then looked through "binders full of women" before finding some that were adequate. The way he talked about women's rights was nauseating and, not surprisingly, it didn't seem genuine or progressive.
3. Romney says he thinks all women should have access to contraception.
This left me speechless. Romney has said that he is against the contraception mandate that would require all employers, including some religious organizations, to provide insurance coverage for contraception. He called it "an attack on religious liberty." Romney also supported the Blunt amendment, which would allow any employer to deny insurance coverage for contraception based on religious or moral grounds. His running mate, Paul Ryan, wants to criminalize abortion and some forms of contraception. So when Romney stands up there and pretends he believes that all women should have access to contraception - and pretends that he is some champion for women's rights - it is laughable.
4. Romney doesn't think limiting access to weapons would help solve the issue of gun violence. But he thinks more people getting married would totally work!
When asked about his position on gun violence, and specifically asked by the moderator why his opinion on limiting access to certain types of guns had changed, Romney basically went on a rant about single parents and how they are ruining America. Forget guns! Single mothers are the reason youth violence is an issue!
5. Romney thinks that China is the WORST.
China is at the center of Romney's axis of evil, apparently because they have counterfeit stores there. THE HORROR! We're talking fake ipads people! I almost felt bad for China with all of Romney's anti-China rhetoric last night.
Someone should take Romney to Canal St. so he can spend the next debate talking about how he has found the second worst place on earth.