Saturday, July 14

Weekend Links

Disney princesses from least to most feminist. Possibly my favorite thing about this whole article is its reiteration of the fact that what girls take away from Aladdin is that their power is their sexuality. I remember watching Aladdin and thinking it was the absolute coolest that Jasmine seduced Jafar to save her and Aladdin's life. Not a good message Disney!

How the Church teaches people to pray through, not leave, abusive relationships

I got an amazing new job! And for a few minutes, wallowed in self-pity that I wasn't going to be able to sit around and freelance. Then, I took a shower and told myself to stop being ridiculous a la Taylor Cotter. I'm glad that so many responses to the Huffington Post piece came out this week and helped me, to borrow a common Wellesley phrase, "Check my privilege." This one by Dianna Anderson and this one on Feministe are my favorites.

PhD in Parenting has a great piece on keeping your kids safe around water

This photo from The Sociological Cinema files painfully reminds me of the exploitation of African American women under slavery, but also of the potentially deep bond between this woman and the baby she is breastfeeding. And while wet nurses are largely a thing of the past in the US, it also reminds me of the bonds between babysitters/nannies and the children they care for. Blue Milk has a link to a great piece in the NYT by Mona Simpson about photographs, nannies, and the relationships between paid caregivers and children.

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