Monday, January 30

Religious Groups Upset That They Have to Protect Women's Rights and Follow the Law

I've already written a long post on why the outcry from some religious groups over the administration's decision to require all institutions to provide insurance coverage for contraception is ridiculous.So I'm not going to go into another rant. But the New York Times published an article today on the controversy the mandate is causing among Catholic universities, in particular, and I wanted to highlight one section I found particularly terrifying.

"Mr. Santorum has taken the position that health insurance plans should not be required to cover birth control. He also favors allowing states to decide whether to ban birth control. He and Mr. Gingrich both support “personhood” initiatives that would legally declare fertilized eggs to be persons, effectively banning not just all abortions but also certain contraceptives, including IUDs and some types of birth control pills."

I know I've said this before, and I don't want to sound like a broken record, but this is why it is so important that we protect access to contraception. Because the religious groups that are upset over having to provide coverage for contraception think of contraception as "poison," and "baby killers" and "murder." They literally think it is "demonic" and that Obama is Satan (I can't find links to these now, but I promise these make up the majority of comments on Catholic blogs). And they don't want anyone in the U.S. to have access to it. They want contraception to be illegal.

This is religious extremism at its worst.

This is not a murder weapon.
 P.S. Do you support the Obama administration's decision to protect women's rights? Send him a thank you note.
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